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This is me, this picture was taken during a yoga & ecstatic dance workshop. Seeking joy, freedom and peace is a big part of why I practice yoga for my mind, body and spirit.

We can all too easily miss out on the joy, beauty and peace in us and around us, life is busy and there are many pulls on our time and energies. If we don't pause or let ourselves see it, feel it and experience it we miss out and can all too easily let the stress of life become chronic. Yoga can be a tool to help with this, along with so many other benefits. We can't always change the outer landscape but through a yoga practice the inner landscape can be a happier, more accepting and a freer place to be.

I want to share what yoga has done for me, why I teach, whats important in my teaching and my yoga journey so far.

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There is a simple answer and simplicity is always best. It makes me feel good. I will, however expand my answer. It has been an ever changing process of growth, challenge, rest, befriending, acceptance, self awareness and self knowledge. When I get on my mat now, it is a home coming.

On a physical level it maintains my mobility and strength, has rehabilitated various injuries, allowing me to lead an active and energetic life which I share with my husband, three sons and an English Bull Terrier called Nelly.


Again, keeping it simple.... I am passionate about sharing my practice and all that I learn along the way.


Yoga is an ongoing practice and can unlock a relationship with the self, routed in compassion, kindness, self growth and awareness. My mission is make this accessible for everybody. Using ancient and modern teachings from various yoga traditions and offering them in a relatable way. My approach is down to earth and friendly.


I started practicing yoga in the 90's but it was only in 2002 when I was pregnant with my first son that I truly realised the benefit of a regular practice. On a yoga mat was the only comfortable place to be in late pregnancy. After I had my second son I took a British Wheel of Yoga foundation course for a deeper dive into the subject and knew that I had to go on a do my teacher training. Which I did at Yoga Campus in London, a 200hr certificate accredited by the BWY, shortly followed several intensive courses, 'Yoga Immersion'  with Richard Freeman, 'Teaching yoga to children' with Jo Manual and 'Pregnancy yoga TT' with Uma Dinsmore Tuli. 

I started teaching in Tunbridge Wells in 2009. I have taught both weekly public and private individuals/groups ever since. In 2016 I taught my first retreat in India, which was an absolute joy and went on to return to teach there in 2018 and 2019. Each time taking a brilliant and brave groups of yogis to practice in the full fabulousness of india. I also have run many retreats in Italy, so beautiful to share teachings in the Tuscan hills just outside Lucca. 

Throughout 2022/23 I have been running Yoga & Wellness workshops, focusing on a different aspect of wellness, delving into the subject and how our yoga practice can help. Also collaborative yoga weekend retreat in Sussex with the inspiring and brilliant Jess Livingstone of Wellbeing Yoga in Brentwood

I have had the honour of being taught by many brilliant teachers over the years including Richard Freeman, Katrina Repka, Liz Lark, Sarah Listen, Maria Barre, Delaymay Devi, Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Jo Manual and many more.

The teacher whom I have been so amazingly inspired by over the many years I have been training with her, is Shiva Rea, I have clocked up approximately 300hrs training and hope to carry on. My teaching is hugely influenced by Shiva's approach. In recent years I have been to Santorini and Costa Rica to receive her teachings. I always arrive back from a training bouncing with joy and energy, ready to share.

In the summer of 2023 I took my Menopause Yoga Teacher Training with Petra Coveney, accredited by the BWY. What a brilliant training and I look forward to offering this is a workshop format in the future.


Text or call: 07968 255 127

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